Trademark registration
only services which you really need
The easy way to register your trademark
Take the first exciting step to protect your products and services against imitation and hijackers. But going legit as a German or EU trademark shouldn’t be a complex headache. Thrademarkcheap does the heavy lifting for you – first find the mark name you want, then fill out the simple application, and we’ll take care of the rest. Experienced German IP Attorney team helping you with your paperwork, without expensive services you do not really need.
German Trademark
Germany (DE) Trademark registration packages
240 €
+290 € DPMA filing fee
DE-Fast line
300 €
+490€ DPMA filing fee
Amazon Brand registry access for reasonable price and time
Amazon Seller Brand Registry Trademark registration packages
TM 4 Amazon
190 €
+290 € DPMA filing fee
290 €
+490€ DPMA filing fee
Trademark registration in Germany – How it works
Free Trademark Search
Our Trademark Attorney will perform a check of compliance with German law requirements, and availability of the desired name or logo and provide you with a Search Report.
If the desired name doesn’t meet legal requirements, you can change trademark name for free.
Application Filing
Once we ensure that the desired trademark name meets legal requirements, we fill Trademark application form on behalf of our customers.
After checking formal criteria, German authorities provide Application ID number and publish new trademark name in journal
At this point you can officially use your brand name and apply to Amazon brand registry program.
Opposition Period
Waiting for opposition
As soon as the application is filed, you can start using the ‘TM’ symbol with your brand name.
Approval / Certification
As soon as you get approval, you can start using the ‘TM’ symbol with your brand name.
Required Documents
EU Trademark
European (EU) Trade Mark registration packages
250 €
+850 € EUIPO filing fee
EU-Fast line
310 €
+1200 € EUIPO filing fee
Trademark registration in Europe – How it works
Free Trademark Search
Our Trademark Attorney will perform a check of compliance with German law requirements, and availability of the desired name or logo and provide you with a Search Report.
If the desired name doesn’t meet legal requirements, you can change trademark name for free.
Application Filing
Once we ensure that the desired trademark name meets legal requirements, we fill Trademark application form on behalf of our customers.
After checking formal criteria, European authorities provide Application ID number and publish new trademark name in journal
At this point you can officially use your brand name and apply to Amazon brand registry program.
Opposition Period
Waiting for opposition
As soon as the application is filed, you can start using the ‘TM’ symbol with your brand name.
EU Approval / Certification
As soon as you get approval, you can start using the ‘TM’ symbol with your brand name.
Why our clients have chosen us
MOEZ – Center for international business cooperation – based in Cologne supports foreign companies by their business activities in Germany and other European countries. It covers on behalf of its clients formalities which are required for business operation in Europe, inkl. marketing of products/services and organization of business events.